"It could revolutionize prenatal care across
the globe."
Today, London
"Logan's work is redefining education, and is
focusing our attention on perhaps the most important educational
opportunity of all."
John Jarrett, M.D., Director, Midwest Reproductive Medicine,
author of The Fertility Guide
". . . may eventually provide substantial health
benefits for needy populations in developing countries.
In fact, neurogenetic enrichment technology may also help
to address a problem of public health importance in
industrialized countries. There is a great need for
efforts such as Brent Logan's, and we commend him for his
commitment and dedication to this very worthwhile work."
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle
"This education wave of the future turns all
parents' dreams into reality."
Malaysian Doctor, Kuala Lumpur
"A very important and innovative approach to
child health and development."
Linda Duffy, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Pediatrics, State
University of New York at Buffalo, Executive Director, The Women and Children's Health Research Foundation
". . . can help produce calm, contented yet
highly responsive babies who are unusually physically strong and
have an increased ability to concentrate."
Junior, London
"Logan's achievement is a giant step for
The Star, Kuala Lumpur
"For their child's lifetime benefit, every
parent-to-be should hear about this discovery, an innovation
representing the most significant step science has taken towards
increasing infant potential. Brent Logan has sought nothing less
than doubling the planet's mental and empathic powers over one
human lifespan-and it appears he is succeeding."
René Van de Carr, M.D., author of While You Are
"An idea of pure genius, one which the world will accept because it
offers the most profound gifts for developing minds."
Mikhail Lazarev, M.D., Ph.D., Chief, Children's Health Laboratory, Center for
Rehabilitative Medicine, Russian Ministry of Health, Professor, International
Academy of Science and Art, Moscow
"Uncomfortable births and unhappy babies could
be a thing of the past."
Hospital Doctor, London
"A brilliant invention. I have used it myself,
will definitely use it again, and have only positive things to
say about it in my book."
Sarah Brewer, M.D., author of Super Baby: Boost Your Baby's
Potential from Conception to Year One
"Never mind the musical mobiles, baby rattles
and lullaby toys, the ultimate in early learning is
Daily Express, London
"A noble and important advancement."
Mikhail Ofengame, M.D., Director of Child Pathomorphology, Central Children's Hospital,
Novgorod, Russia
"It's what every mother wants--a healthy baby
who sleeps all night, who doesn't cry and who develops
Daily Telegraph, London
"It is hard to overestimate the benefits."
Roy Ridgeway, author of The Unborn Child, Preparing
for Parenthood, and Caring for Your Unborn Child
"Pushing the outside of the prenatal
stimulation envelope."
Omni, New York
"Magnificent work."
Datin Noor Laily, M.D., Chairman, The Nury Institute of Family
and Child Development, Kuala Lumpur
"Logan may really be on to something . . . ."
Armin Brott, author of The Expectant Father, The New Father, and
The Single Father
"There is a potential benefit . . . it could have a general improving effect."
Peter Hepper, Ph.D.,
Professor of Psychology,
Queen's University of Belfast, Director, Fetal Behaviour Research Centre,
Belfast, Northern Ireland
"Logan's argument is convincing."
Radio Times, London